Editorial Code
Creating great content is our main focus here at WearyChef. We’re proud of our process and what we produce. While we cover a wide range of topics and recipes, our approach remains consistent. We prioritize thorough research, verification, and content that’s genuinely helpful to our audience. Our team of food and beverage experts craft original, accurate, and insightful pieces.
Expertise Matters
We handpick writers based on their expertise and experience in specific topics. They’re only assigned recipes and subjects they’re qualified to discuss. They’re dedicated to digging deep, testing recipes, citing sources, and providing unique perspectives.
Thorough Review
Every recipe and blog post undergoes a rigorous review and testing process. Our articles, blog posts, and recipes are tested by members of our team other than the original writer. We want to ensure our recipes work for those who use the recipe, not just the person who wrote it.
Feedback Welcome
If you spot anything that needs improvement, give us a shout at [email protected]
Keeping it Accurate
Accuracy is non-negotiable for us. Our content is regularly reviewed, fact-checked, and updated. We hold ourselves accountable and swiftly correct any errors. Your feedback helps keep us on track. If you notice an inaccuracy, please shoot us an email.
Impartiality & Transparency
Our content is unbiased and independent, free from outside influence. We disclose any conflicts of interest and mark sponsored content accordingly. Our team is committed to delivering objective work, without any ulterior motives.
Original & Authentic
We prioritize originality and authenticity in everything we publish. We do gain inspiration from other recipes. A large part of cooking is drawing inspiration from dishes, recipes, and ingredients and adapting them to make them your own. We will reference recipes that we adapt. Plagiarism, copyright infringement, or AI-generated content have no place here.
Addressing Bias
We’re dedicated to addressing unconscious biases within our team. Through training and monitoring, we strive to create a fair and inclusive environment, free from biases in our work.
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
At WC, we celebrate diversity and promote equity and inclusion. Our team represents a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, fostering an environment where everyone is respected and has equal opportunities.