Weekly Wrap Up and Meal Plan #171: Meatballs, Flatbread, and More!

3 minutes
June 3, 2016
Andi Gleeson

Check out this week’s suggested meal plan featuring Swedish Meatballs, Chicken Flatbread, and more. Customize your menu and grocery list too!

Check out this week's suggested meal plan featuring Swedish Meatballs, Chicken Flatbread, and more. Customize your menu and grocery list too!

Hi! I’m writing this from Las Vegas while I wait to go home from a blogger retreat. I planned this event for 21 ladies, and I’m so happy with how it turned out. We had two days of meetings to trade tips and tricks for many aspects of blogging and squeezed in meals and shopping when we could. I’m so emotional this morning because I am very homesick but also so sad to say goodbye to my friends. Blogging is a tight community, but it’s hard that most of us don’t get to see each other in person very often.

Now that the event is over, I can breathe a sigh of relief and get back to business as usual. I can’t wait to be back at home with my family and cooking in my own kitchen! What do you want to cook this week? Here are my suggested recipes for you. (Click on any recipe for more details.) You can add these recipes to your own meal plan or start your own from scratch. Click here to customize your menu and create your grocery list.

[ultimate-recipe-meal-plan id=”weekly-dinner-menu-172″]

If you need help with this, you can watch my meal planning video here or email me with questions. I promise it’s super easy and will save you lots of time!

Featured Recipes:

Chicken Asparagus Flatbread: This new recipe is really fast to make and great for summer. If you want a more traditional pizza, you can add pizza sauce and more cheese. The post also includes the video I had made a while back if you want to check it out!chicken and asparagus flatbread-7

Easy Swedish Meatballs: You can use frozen meatballs in this recipe to make it super fast. I’m always in the mood for meatballs and gravy! Easy Swedish Meatballs over Egg Noodles (by Cooking with Crystal for The Weary Chef)

Andi Gleeson, food blogger

Andi Gleeson

Andi Gleeson is a passionate blogger and mom based in San Francisco who focuses on easy and delicious dinner recipes.


9 years ago

I’m not a fan of this new way of listing your receipies. I always use your website to make my menu for a 2 week period and this new way makes me click through many different pages which is very time consuming. Still love your receipies and your website, just wanted to give feedback!!!

Andi Gleeson
9 years ago

I appreciate your feedback, Jenny! It seems like the meal planner would be very helpful for you if you are planning for two weeks, but maybe you’d rather just go to the meal planning page and add what you want there from the dropdown menu? Are you saying you prefer to see the large photos with a link in my weekly menu post like I’ve done in the past instead of having the small photos on the meal plan? Thank you!

9 years ago

All of these look delicious! I am planning to cook your Swedish meatballs, which will be a big hit with my little man!

Andi Gleeson
9 years ago

I hope you like them! Those are from the talented Cooking with Crystal (cookingwithcrystal.net). I bet you will like some of her other recipes too! Thanks, Joanne :)

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